Tuesday, April 1, 2008

My faith journey

So here it is, my new blog. I must admit, it is a little strange to be writing this, not knowing who exactly will be reading it. But I think it will be a great way to share my journey with others who may not know what my life has been like the past few years.

Shane and I have been married almost 11 years now (it does not seem possible that it has been that long!), and it seems that it gets better everyday. In Sept 2007, we adopted another Boxer, Rolo, who is 9 months old now. Bailey (now 6 years old) and Rolo get along so well! It has been so fun watching them play together and love on each other. In Nov 2007, Shane took a new woodworking job in La Marque and is working many hours of overtime. He is getting the opportunity to travel across the nation in this new job, and that is exciting for him. In the past year, we have really felt God's call to become debt free and are working very hard toward this goal. Shane's job is a blessing to our finances and we are making great progress with our debt. We have been attending a community church in League City and are enjoying our small group bible study.

I have been working for a home health agency for the past 3.5 years and it has been a rocky ride. In the beginning, I was happy seeing patients and trying to provide the best quality care that I could. But after awhile, I became burned out and was also becoming increasingly frustrated with my management team. I contemplated leaving for several months, and then everything changed. My manger resigned and my days became much less stressful. And then I got a promotion to manager just last week! It has been quite a transition, but I am feeling a renewed vision for the agnecy and my career. It was exactly what I needed.

Last year, I starting running. Yes, I said running, and it is fun! It gives me a way to clear my head and reflect on my life. It is time that is only for me and I love it! I ran my first half marathon in Houston in January. I had hurt my foot 2 months before that, so it was hard, but I did it! My foot is still giving me problems, and I have not run consistently since then, but hopefully soon I will be back running. I can't believe it, but I miss it so much!

And now for the question most of you are asking: what about kids? Well, many of you know my struggles with infertility and it has been a long road. We did many tests and procedures over the past 4 years, including in vitro fertilizaiton, all of which have failed. Through this heartbreaking time, I continue to be reminded that my timing is not perfect, but God's is. I have come to have a peace about it and I know that He will give me this desire of my heart when He is ready. That is why I named my blog Keeping the Faith. That is exactly what my journey is all about and I have to be reminded of that daily. I still have one embryo frozen from the procedures and I am praying for God to make it known when the time is right to use it. We are also considering adoption and are praying about that as well.

Well, enough about me for one day! I hope you keep up with my blog and let me know how you are doing as well!

1 comment:

Regina said...

Hi Alison, it is Regina. I saw your name on Kevin and Megan's blog and had to say hi! It was so good to see your face and know that you and Shane and Bailey are doing well. I hope that you will stop by my blog and say hi too. I would love to catch up with you! I miss you and would love to talk.