Thursday, July 17, 2008

From disappointment to blessings

Today I was scheduled for the embryo transfer, but this morning the nurse called to tell me that my embryo had not survived the thaw. I was devastated. I really did not expect it. I was completely ready for it to happen! I had done all the labwork, I had taken all the medicine, and I had mentally prepared myself for this, and now I was not going to get the opportunity to see it through. My first question: WHY God? My second question: Are you really there God? My third question: What do I do now? After I boohooed about it, asked my questions to God, and took a shower, I tried to focus on my blessings for the rest of the day. Here is what I came up with: (bear with me, some of them are a little cheesy)
  • It is OVER! I know my answer now, rather than later
  • I get to keep running and training for the half marathon
  • I get to keep my body shape (although I would like my hips to be a little SMALLER :) )
  • I no longer need to take my heart medicine (WooHoo!!)
  • I have a wonderful husband who loves me
  • Most of my family is relatively healthy (including my dogs)
  • I have awesome friends in my life who have prayed for me diligently through this
  • God IS still there

All day as I was listening to my Ipod, every song that played offered me hope. They reminded me that God IS still there, He has never left, and never will leave me. I just have to keep focused on Him and He will tell me what to do next. I know that I will survive.


jenn said...

I'm so sorry for your disappointment this morning, but I LOVE your list of blessings!! What a wonderful perspective you have! I'll be praying for both you and Shane through this.

Melissa said...

Ali, you are the strongest woman I know! The way you are turning to God in this is truly a blessing to me. I love you so much!

jenn said...

Virginia's fun. I have about 6 weeks left on this contract. Have a great weekend!

Janna said...

Allison, I've been keeping up with this blog for a bit now and praying for you. It is a positive testimony to see your faith shining through. It is also wonderful to see Shane's love for you shining. May you continue be able to rely on those close friends of yours and Shane to help you stay focused on God through this on the next phase. Thank-you for sharing odd is right to do so.