Thursday, June 26, 2008

Boring days, wild and crazy nights

A couple of weekends ago, I had the opportunity to go to San Antonio to do some recruiting for my home health agency. We desparately need a physical therapist, but I don't think this trip will bring us any applicants. The conference had less in attendance than it ever has, probably because not many people are travelling right now. Or maybe because they thought about it and who wants to spend a weekend in Texas in the hot month of June? Anyway, I spent my days at the Physical Therapy conference, and my nights.....well.....the pictures should speak for themselves! It was soooo not like me, but we had a great time! My two awesome friends Tara and Carrie went too, and when we get together, you never know what kind of trouble we will get into!! In addition to the shenanigans seen below, we danced at Polly Esther's, a 70s, 80s, 90s dance club, but we made sure there was no evidence of that in the form of pictures (you do NOT want to see my lack of rhythm). It was a great weekend, and it was so nice to get away with the girls. And the best part is that it was mostly on my company's tab! :)

Tara eating ribs at The County Line

It all went down at Durty Nelly's Irish Pub!

Tara's coworker sang with the piano player

We ate at LuLu's Cafe one day for lunch, where they have the biggest cinnamon rolls! (Thanks Courtney!)

Disclaimer: All parties drank responsibly and walked back the their hotels. There was no driving involved in the pictures seen above.


Melissa said...

Wow! That's a big responsibility! How did it go?

Melissa said...

Ok, when I first saw this there was only the first sentence of the entry until today. After reading what the entry was really about I feel like an idiot! It sounds like you guys had a great time!